The Rocky Mountain Rangers
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The Rocky Mountain Rangers

Armorial Description

The head of a mountain sheep within an annulus inscribed ROCKY MOUNTAIN RANGERS; the annulus surmounted by the Crown and flanked by two sprigs of maple leaves; below, a scroll inscribed with the motto KLOSHE NANITCH.

Official Abbreviation: RM Rang

Motto: Kloshe Nanitch (Keep a good lookout or ever watch)

Battle Honours (6)

First World War

    ARRAS, 1917,'18
    Hill 70
    YPRES, 1917
Authorized Marches:
Quick March: The Meeting of the Waters

Regimental Headquarters:
JR Vicars Armoury
Box 3250
Kamloops, BC
V2C 6B8

Location of Sub Units:
Headquarters, A Company, Administration Company
Kamloops, BC

B Company
Salmon Arm, BC

The Green Howards
(Alexandra, Princess of Wale's Own Yorkshire Regiment)
Richmond, North Yorkshire, England

Location of Museums:
Regimental Church
St. Paul's Cathedral
Kamloops, BC
JR Vicars Armoury
Kamloops, BC
Kamloops, BC
Merritt, BC
Salmon Arm, BC
Revelstoke, BC

Order of Precedence: 37
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Today in Military History

December 30


The RCR celebrate Christmas Dinner astride the Villa Grand Road, Italy, following actions in the Moro River and Ortona

Photo of the Moment


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