Lumber said:
I'm still not clear what the specific divide is that people are talking about. I'm not trying to be argumentative ror obtuse, I'm just trying to see the perspective that apparently I'm obvious to.
I think garb hit it right on the head, and that's from experience. It was a shock when I switched over to the RCAF and seeing how people treat each other, even little things like instructors using your first name instead of 2LT so-and-so, and I really think that the "first name basis" stereotype (which is really only aircrew and select maintainers) has some merit in changing the culture.
It's not an exact analogy, but I worked with USN folks on exercise and after a while, I asked them (equivalent to Cpl) what their first names were b/c I was getting sick of calling them by their rank in what was essentially an office. They, and the USN LT I was working with, looked at me like I had three heads.
I also think it's not something that can be really "explained", but more "experienced". I think it's one of those things where you just have to go to a squadron (especially one with NCM aircrew, like an LRP, MH, SAR, or Transport squadron) for a bit to see the subtle differences from a ship.