Things have gone quiet round here lately. Time to stir the pot a little >
The link above is to a June 2014 Dalhousie presentation by Eric Lerhe on the CSC Statement of Requirements.
My take-away from the presentation, and being as disputatious as possible, is:
The RCN intends to continue as a Blue Water Auxilliary to the USN providing ASW services to US Fleets.
Its AAW capabilities will be integrated into the USNs Cooperative Engagement Capability
The RCN will protect the size of the service by not reducing crewing levels below the current levels.
Cargo carrying capability, Naval Gunfire / Land Attack Missile support, and crew reduction are all secondary targets.
This does not seem to present a platform that the Army can operate from (or even the Special Forces) and there is nothing on the books to suggest that there will be a dedicated Army Support platform.
In other words the RCN sails on serenely in splendid isolation (as does the Army).