T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Peggy Parry-Bran
what's really needed is a complete overhaul of the recruting process. Many potential recruits simply give up and move on to other opportunities. There is no valid reason for why it should take upwards of six months for an already trained reserve member to join the reg force. There's a log jam somewhere in this process and it would serve the military well to find and correct it. Several new basic training facilities will be opening within the next six months, this isn't going to help if you can't get the recruits through the joining process in a timely fashion. The cuts of years gone by are bleeding and it is going to take more than the usual band-aid Ottawa throws at the military to fix this problem. It doesn't take very long in a military town for the young people to hear that joining the military is a frustrating experience, no small wonder many aren't lining up for the process.
I agree. It shouldn't take 6 months to join the reserves, and making a component transfer should be easier. The amount of hoops you have to jump through would discrourage anyone, you really have to make a lot of effort to join up when it should be the other way round.
I agree too. I worked in recruiting for my reserve reg't back in the early '90's, and I did occasionally run into the attitude that 'if you can't tough out the intake process, you won't be able to tough out the frustration of actually being in!' To some extent true, I guess, but it's also a completely circular argument - and it sure doesn't fit today's circumstances.
the patriot
The big problem is the old "hurry up and wait attitude". In the civillian sphere of things, your business will lose customers, the company loses its reputation, corporate stock value plummets and now you're out of a job. Now only if those running the recruiting aspect of things could get a grip on that, maybe then we would have a more efficient recruiting system. -the patriot-