posted 12 July 2021 17:20
Can anyone out there give me an opinion on the new load-bearing vest as it compares to the Pattern '82 webbing, in particular the amount of ammuntion they carry and individual preferences. At the same time does anyone know how the M203 40mm grenade launcher fits into the order of battle now, especially in the load bearing equipment, e.g the Americans have a specialized grenadiers vest that would seem to be excellent for our uses as well.
posted 20 July 2021 19:30
Apparently the new load bearing system carries the same amount of ammunition as the 82 pattern webbing. Bear in mind, your uniform's combat shirt can carry eight mags or more of ammo as well (current olive drab configuration) when needed. The only major difference is the ergonomic benefit of the load weight NOT falling squarely on the shoulders and lower back. The lower back being where most individuals injure themselves. As for the M203 grenade launcher, it is still used within the infantry section as it always was. It is carried and slung, just like any other piece of kit that doesn't fit on your webbing or ruck. As for your situation, you probably won't see any of the new kit until you are attached with an infantry battalion or on tasking there afterwards. Most of your kit will be that of the 82 standard pattern webbing with ruck for your phase training. Don't worry, it builds character.
-the patriot-
Posts: 192 | From: The Great White North | Registered: Jun 2000
posted 21 July 2021 01:13
Today I received my offer of Acceptance for Infantry officer's training, after over a year of waiting I am finally on my way to training. I don't think I stopped smiling for the entire afternoon, and work was a joke there after.