Yard Ape,I like all your suggestions. Here are specific comments:
1. This is particularly interesting. I think it would be a great way for people to "show off" what they and they units are involved in. I also agree that this would have to be after the hardware upgrade. (The current system is almost out of drive space, the new system will have much more.) My primary concerns would be addressed by "posting to the library could be limited to the more senior members of the board." (I.E. You never know what some people would post!)
2. That's definitely doable. I'll have to poke around the code a bit to find out how. I'm trying to limit changes to the board, so that when the vendor puts out an upgrade, it won't take me a week to re-integrate changes. But I will look into this.
3. Done! The reason it wasn't created before is that there simply wasn't enough traffic. We'll give it a shot and see how it goes.
Thanks for the feedback, keep it coming.
P.S. On a related note, I was able to make some progress with the new hardware last night. I hope to test out a new network device in the next few days that will make the cutover much simpler.
Mike Bobbitt