Those officers in the navy never seem to learn do they.....
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The Globe and Mail
Navy commander relieved of duty over Internet porn
From Tuesday June 19, 2001.
Vancouver � A top navy commander in the Canadian Forces has been temporarily relieved of his duties for accessing several "Penthouse-like" pornography sites on the Internet with a laptop computer provided to him by the Department of National Defence.
Commodore Eric Lerhe, the 52-year-old commander of the fleet of warships on the West Coast, has been charged under the National Defence Act with conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline.
It's the first time such a senior officer has faced such a charge since the Canadian Forces set up an independent investigative unit four years ago, Major John Pumphrey of the Provost-Marshal's office said yesterday in an interview.
Cmdre. Lerhe told his supervisor about logging on to the sites after it became clear he may have to sit in judgment over one of his subordinates who had been charged with the misuse of a DND computer.
The Defence Department refused to identify the Web sites Cmdre. Lerhe was viewing. The range of penalties for the offence is wide, from administrative discipline to a formal dismissal with disgrace from the Canadian Forces to imprisonment for life.
The charge has startled several observers, including a spokeswoman for a Vancouver women's group.
Pornography changes the way women are viewed, Geraldine Glattstein, executive director of Women Against Violence Against Women, said in an interview.
"It's dangerous for women to be supervised by someone who spends his spare time looking at those kinds of Web sites," she said.
Supervisors who go back to the office after accessing pornographic sites are creating a hostile environment for women to work in , she added. "It certainly does not help make [the workplace] more friendly."
Cmdre. Lerhe, who is married but has no children, joined the Canadian Forces in 1976. He told Vice-Admiral Ron Buck last week that he logged on to the pornographic sites when he was deployed out of the country.
Although he was using a Defence Department computer, he was off-duty and using his personal Internet account, he says in a statement posted on the Maritime Forces Pacific Web site. He was not available for an interview yesterday.
Vice-Adm. Buck said the safety of Canadian navy personnel or ships were never in jeopardy. Cmdre. Lerhe was relieved of his command "because the alleged activity is inconsistent with his position of high trust and authority," he said.
The deputy fleet commander, Captain Dan Murphy, has taken over Cmdre. Lerhe's command responsibilities.
Canadian Forces policy prohibits the use of the Internet to view sexual materials in any form "for non-work-related use, regardless of the legality of the material." Commanding officers are responsible for providing subordinates with guidance on proper Internet use, enforcing compliance and investigating allegations of misuse.
Cmdre. Lerhe spoke to Vice-Adm. Buck after he was briefed on disciplinary proceedings being taken against one of his sailors charged with the misuse of a DND computer.
As the sailor was one of his direct subordinates, Cmdre. Lerhe realized he could be the presiding officer at the summary trial. "For the next 24 hours, I pondered this," he states.
He acknowledged doing what he did in order to ensure he would not be involved in the trial of his subordinate "and to clear my conscience," he says in the statement.
"I fully recognize that my own actions were against the regulations and that disciplinary actions against me would likely follow.
"I accept this. Since then, I volunteered all the evidence needed to progress the charge laid against me," he states.
Major Pumphrey said the charge resulted from incidents in San Diego on April 1, 2000, and April 2, 2000.
At that time, Cmdre. Lerhe was the commanding officer of the Canadian Forces Maritime Warfare Centre in Halifax. He was appointed commodore and commander of Canadian Fleet Pacific in January, 2001.
The Canadian Forces began its investigation in February. The charge will now be reviewed by a military prosecutor, who will decide if the case will proceed to a court martial. Cmdre. Lerhe has been relieved of his post until the proceedings are complete.
In recent years, the Defence Department has dealt with several incidents of members accessing pornography on the Internet.
In 1997, Defence officials documented at least 175 visits to unacceptable sites on its computers, including a site that claimed to have the best "xxx erotica" and a site of sexually explicit teenagers and adult women.
A National Defence physicist pleaded guilty in 1998 to possession of child pornography. About 6,000 pornographic images were found on his workplace computer or on his disks.
-the patriot-Biography of Commodore E. J. Lehre
[ 19 June 2001: Message edited by: the patriot ]