posted 08 July 2021 22:36
I know this topic is probably beat to death but I beleive it is an important one and should be debated as often as possible. So here it is again. Why do we continually allow our armed forces to be overrun with waste, while our General Staff gets bigger every day! But yet we (members) and the general citizenry rollover and think this is fine.
Recently, in a discussion I had with a close freind, who is now in Moosejaw for pilot training, I was made privy to some interesting events. This freind by the way, had to wait for four years to get a slot after the the entire training structure of the Air Force was gutted on a CF policy Change that lasted less then a year.....was told in an open briefing, by the General in charge of training (the General in charge of open breifings must have been busy) that the pilot candidates were to behave as gentleman and officers while on course and not go running to the press (no one had at that point gone to any new agency) about the minor detalis of their careers and training policy in the CF's. This was in regards to the Bombardier managed training center now responsible for training our Air Force. The General then went on to say, to snikering and giggles by the way, that the cousres were now on track and that the CF's did not forget about them and they were now entering into one of themost effective forces in the world etc the end of that month the course dates were yet again extended canceled or rescheduled....course candidtaes were yet again sent home or RTU'ed to the various museums, crosswalks and canteens they were kept at while more bugs were "massaged" from the training system. The final comment on this is; The friend I am speaking of had celebrated his 21'st birthday two weeks after completeing his basic officer training course.... two days ago he celebrated his 24th...still no wings on his uniform.....
posted 14 August 2021 22:17
By the way, the General Staff has now been reduced considerably compared to what it was ten years ago. About your friend's situation, it comes down to an old saying called "hurry up and wait" which can get absolutely annoying at times. Something they probably won't tell you is that they're literally bleeding to death by losing pilots who leave the Canadian Armed Forces for cushier paying jobs with the commercial airlines. It's called the 5 year "Air Canada" program... Maybe it's just that they don't have instructors around to teach your friend.
-the patriot-
Posts: 275 | From: The Great White North | Registered: Jun 2000
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Hear! Hear! Fact: They DND are hurting...only now they finally have figured that out. Almost a little too late. These next few years will be interesting for sure. Like my old CSM said "I'm on the 20/30 plan....I have my 20 someodd years for full pension and if anyone pisses me off, I'm out in 30 days!!!!" I only think he was out faster than that....just like me. he he he whether a Private or a Master Warrent Officer....they don't give a ****!!! Oh yeah if your hurt, well kiss your career bye bye...hell there's always the kit shop, or RSS where they send people to finish off their years for pension.>>>>>>>>>>>FIRE IT UP<<<<<<<<<<<<<
AHA!!!!!! So RSS isn't really Total Force to make the Militia a better trained cadre of soldiers?! Sounds like it's a retirement home for those who don't have the heart to outright quit.
-the patriot-
Posts: 275 | From: The Great White North | Registered: Jun 2000
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