Topic: Warrior training???
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Member # 124
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posted 22 July 2021 00:06
In response to somebody talking about warrior training..WHAT A LAUGH!! Warrior training! The Canadian military is less and less militaristic as days go by. Do they even teach things like bayonet drill or hand to hand combat anymore?? I highly doubt it as we are no longer a fighting force but rather one that has been reduced to a politically correct police force. I'd say not even as good as the police..Can't even dig a f*cking trench on a base with a tree hugger raising sh*t. With disgust to what the military has become. Brock
Posts: 2 | From: Mi, USA | Registered: Jul 2000
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posted 22 July 2021 00:55
Longbranch,That's your opinion and you entitled to it and because this is a free discussion you are entitled to share it with the rest of us. The army of today is undergoing significant change however, we have also overcome alot of problems that were left to rot during the 60s, 70s and 80s. Is political correctness a problem in the Canadian Military? To a certain extent it is, however, it is an issue that all of Canadian society is dealing with. Why would we be any different? In answer to some of your very generic comments...
Warrior training is simply a name for an annual refresher more, no less. Bayonet training and hand to hand combat are all still taught (especially in the infantry). Alot of others study different martial arts in their spare time as a hobby. Its not as easy in the 90s to concentrate on some of the core skills, indeed at one point we were sending the same battalion overseas every 18 months (six months preparing to go overseas, six months in theatre, and six months post operation drills and establishment of a training schedule for some type of "normal" army training....oh yes, prepare to go overseas again! As far as I know you can dig trenches on designated training areas on any base. Usually, the problems stem from land being leased from the provincial government to enable a larger manoeuvre area. If you've ever trained in Europe, you would know what restriction really are and just how small training areas can be. Based on your very generic comments it's obvious you are really not aware of what goes on in the army. So, if you are going to criticize the military (the army) you are going to have to give examples, vice, running off at the mouth. Over to you Longbranch, do you have anything constructive to say?
Posts: 95 | From: Army of the West | Registered: Jun 2000
Mr Magoo
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posted 24 July 2021 13:43
Some of the long-term serving members I've talked with see today's Army as better-trained, more fit and better-lead than the Army from the good old days of the 70s and 80s.Weren't those days wonderful? No Charter of Rights to protect a soldier from being discriminated or harassed out of the Forces, rampant drunkeness, often very little PT, units' annual ammo allotments going only to the shooting team, helos arriving in the fd to pick up the hockey team for practice or games, "canteen queens" by the company load per Bn, no operational theatres... I don't seek to run-down everyone from that era, but there were problems then, just as there are problems now.
Posts: 24 | From: Montreal, Quebec, Canada | Registered: Jun 2000
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Member # 124
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posted 28 July 2021 00:24
As a matter of fact Mr. Magoo, I DO know what goes on in the army since I spent 12 YEARS IN the army....12 years as an infantry man.So as far as me running off at the mouth, I have every right to when I see what the state of things.It just seems that it is too far soft in the training now. Possibly because we have no "enemy" to be fearful of. Except for the enemy within...the government, the politicians, and the media. As far as bayonet was a once a year course.(MAYBE!) Never really was taught proper hand to hand techniques... As for digging trenches....when I was in Pet., I wasn't allowed to dig any trenches in any of the training areas. The most I was allowed to do was find dead sticks to simulate where my trench would be. I didn't even get any blank for my final ex I was on. I literally had to go BANG when I saw the enemy force. We never had grenade training because of the lack of proper supplies, we stopped using smoke because it might give somebody lung cancer in the minute amounts that were ingested in a years period.( probably the amount of naptha fumes in winter was no doubt 10X worse tha 100 smoke grenades). Anyways, the BREAKFREE that we were using was found to be a carcinogen. Fince with me , it made the plastic toys turn white. We WERE a fighting force in the past. Now the troops are not trained to kill. Period! We are just the worlds police force and generally laughed at in the process. Is the motto now...close with and talk to the enemy nicely???
Posts: 2 | From: Mi, USA | Registered: Jul 2000