posted 01 July 2021 23:59
I plan to join the CF reserves when I reach recruitment age (I'm 15 now). I'm already a member of Cadets and have been putting myself through some heavy self-inflicted physical training and have been learning all I can. What I really want to know is what do you wish you had done before you joined the CF? I have two years left to prepare. What's the most important/difficult thing that I should train for now? Physically I'm alright, I can do 80+ situps and 40+ pushups and can run 10k with a 30-40 pound pack. But I'm not really sure what I need to know. If anyone can help me with this it would be greatly appreciated. Any suggested reading material or websites could really help.
Posts: 8 | From: Calgary, Alberta | Registered: Jul 2001
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Member # 349
posted 02 July 2021 00:15
Work on chasing tail and being a teenager. The military is not going anywhere. Live out your teenage years, stay out of drugs and don't break the law, and take advantage of your youth. When the time comes for you to enter the real world, than come back here and worry about all this stuff.
Posts: 50 | From: Vancouver, Canada | Registered: Jun 2001
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posted 02 July 2021 13:28
Well, I have never joined the CF but I can give you what I feel is important advice. I went to a Pre BUD/S course and an ex SEAL gave me some advice about training. I will try to regurgitate it as best as possible. I asked him what exersises I should do like running with a log, or wading in cold water. He told be to just do what I thought was best, it is excellent to prepare yourself, but don't do your own version of traning before you get there. The way you will suceed is not only with physical strength but mental as well. If for example a person tells you what they did in Basic or INF traning and you do something different, it will come as a much larger shock than if you prepaired yourself an expected the worst case senario. But dont worry about prepairing 2 years in advance take Infanteers advice and got get yourself some tail.
posted 02 July 2021 14:07
Thanx, I'm glad to know the reserve age is sixteen. I was confused by people telling me it's been changed to 17. I was just wondering what sort of things you guys wish you had prepared for earlier and didn't get a chance because you didn't know. As in is physical most important? What should I learn some basics about before-hand. Things like familiarisation with weapons and The CF structure.
Posts: 8 | From: Calgary, Alberta | Registered: Jul 2001
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posted 02 July 2021 20:31
Andrew if you really wanna learn stuff just learn the rank structure, also read books learn about the history of the CF. It will give you an idea of where everyone is coming from and where you're headed. I wouldnt worry too much about anything else. . Most likely when the time does come and you are sworn in you will do a pre-basic course which will prepare you for the actual basic course so dont worry about it. Oh another thing to prepare you is to build your tolerance of 'sodapop'. If you can drink lots of 'sodapop' and bring tons of hot chicks to the mess then you are well on your way.
ps. I am totally joking, you are way to young to be drinking 'sodapop'
posted 04 July 2021 13:01
Aside from physical training there really isn't too much that you should worry about. Like the others said it would be good to study CF history and structure. Also, if you know what reserve unit you'll be joining study up on there history, and keep up with current events in the CF and round the world.
Everything you need to know will be taught to you on your courses and by your unit. If you try to study for somethings you might learn them the wrong way, it is harder to untrain someone, then retrain them, then it is to have them trained properly once.
Pte. Pacholuk
Posts: 10 | From: BC | Registered: Jun 2001
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