Posted by Info from Canada on April 18, 2021 at 01:50:48:
From the Question Corner, Page 8:
Q - Are there any regulations that state what we as military members can discuss on the Internet / chat rooms?
A - While there are no specific regulations that deal with what can be discussed on the Internet, there are regulations dealing with the disclosure of information and opinions. Among other prohibitions, article 19.36 of Queen's Regulations and Orders (QR&O;) Volume 1 prohibits members, unless they have permission of the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) or an authority designated by the CDS, from publishing military information or their views and opinions on military subjects to unauthorized persons.
Publish is defined as to "make generally known, make known to a third party". Accordingly, the legal view is that the use of the Internet to express a member's opinion on a military matter would amount to publishing and would fall under Article 19.36.
As well, Article 19.14 of QR&O; prohibits members from making remarks or comments that tend to bring a superior into contempt or that if seen by any member of the public, might reflect discredit on the Canadian Forces (CF).
In my opinion, it would be worthwhile to set up a forum similar to this internal to the CF, as I think this is a good way to hear the concerns our service people have, as well as hearing opinions on issues and personalities. I for one find it interesting and food for thought when forming my own opinions and views.
Unfortunately, if we created an internal forum, we would lose out on some of the interesting views of former members.
On the other hand, a lot of the sophomoric debate would dissapear also. I personally would rather leave it to the children to conclude their Regular / Reserve debates on their own.
One dangerous aspect of this page would be removed if it wasn't open to the world. People tend to believe what they see "in print" without checking the credibility of the source or verifying the facts. We would be rid of those who lie to try and shape opinion. I have witnessed at least a few examples of people (with a strong presence on this page) posting their false stories or "facts" which are never verified and are believed simply because the person is a "regular". This type of person would dissapear.
More food for thought.