Posted by Mary Harrison (Cpl for life) from Lotus Land Canada on April 01, 2021 at 01:16:25:
In Reply to: This post posted by J Robertson on March 31, 2021 at 15:24:22:
Having spent time on both sides of the fence, I find myself constantly defending my militia years to the reg force people I work with. Maybe I'm an optimist, but being so close to the next century, I was kinda hoping that the days of justifying ourselves to people was over. It seems that every day there's the unspoken "prove yourself" - I'm Army on a Navy ship, I'm female in a traditionally male environment, and I was a reservist now in a reg force world.
I admit the posts haven't really caught my eye lately, but that's the way of things - different people have different intrests.
Obviously we all have one thing in common - we want a better military - one to be proud of and one that is proud of us at all levels of leadership. This is but one forum for us to rant and rave and laugh and question.
As the saying goes, "What are they gonna do? Make me a private and go to Wainwright?" Scondva has helped out a little, and it's good to see that the government has listened a little. Maybe it's time we stopped bitching long enough to reload and put our energies to productively fixing the things at our own levels that can be fixed. Never pass a fault, right?
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.