Re: Standby for ICE STORM + Y2K.

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Posted by Dav Langstroth (Interested Observer) from Orillia Ontario Canada on January 03, 2021 at 19:45:48:

In Reply to: Re: Standby for ICE STORM + Y2K. posted by MWG on January 02, 2021 at 18:23:55:

MWG; I don't want to comment in specific about the actions to be taken at a later date that may be regarded by some quiet observers to be disloyal. I would suggest that with you being close at hand to an environment that allows for the 'closing off' of an area for the purposes of security (families, et al) then you have a mjor advantage over the rest of the reservists that have to rely on the preplanning of its' own membership in order to provide the same type of security. I have a small advantage living so far from an urban envoronment...I use wood for heat and have alternative means to get water and food. Not so for the most of the reservists that I know.

When the rocket goes up (and please believe me when I say that I pray it doesn't), there shall be an accounting for the actions (or lack of action) on the part of the leadership of theses organizations that are relying on tenuous promises of what 'should be' delivered in an emergency. As much as I would wish to serve with my Regiment at a time of national crises intervention, it may come to pass that I will seek whatever agency requires my services the most and sort the shit out later.

I guess that in some persons minds that may be contrued as 'disloyal or treasonous'. It all depends on what end of the action your sitting at, Eh?

All the Best

Dileas Gu Brath

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