Posted by Dav Langstroth (Interested Observer) from Orillia ONtario Canada on December 27, 2020 at 21:41:12:
I first met this individual approximately five years ago as his driver to our Warrant Officers' and Sargeants' mess function and got my ear chewed off for an hour about the pomp and pagentry "BullShit" that went with the Regiment and how little he cared for all the "crap". Later on, much later I might add, this very same curmudgeon that had ragged on me about all the hoopla and crap told me in no uncertain terms, that if I was ever to have to trust anyone or anything, the Regiment is where you could place that trust and have it returned tenfold. That said everything............... Go with God, RSM, if he'll have you...and if he won't, the Devil better run for cover 'cause RSM Jackson is looking your way!
As now and forever
Dileas Gu Brath