RM vs. FFL?
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Posted by Kristjan van Wissen from Toronto On Canada on January 07, 19100 at 02:19:13:
I joined the Royal Marines in Oct 98 but left in Dec to come
back and finish high school. Now some of my friends are doing
their darndest to convince me to join the FFL with them. That
was a fancy of mine but I chose the RM instead. I intend to
rejoin the regs. in the summer. But should I go into the
French Foreign Legion as I had thought so hard on doing not
so long ago, or go back to the Royal Marines? It's is hard to
choose now that I have a second chance. Please I welcome ALL
opinions. I have done tonnes of research, but I think that a
question put into the open is the best way to get input.Kristjan van Wissen
Dileas Gu Brath
Per Merre Per Terram (775 Trp)
Ex Coelis (9805)
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