Rated 19 times, current rating is 4.22. 
Rated 14 times, current rating is 3.82. 
Rated 5 times, current rating is 3.79. 
Rated 7 times, current rating is 2.41. 
Rated 8 times, current rating is 4.61. 
Not Rated 
Rated 17 times, current rating is 4.78. 
Rated 3 times, current rating is 4.66. 
Rated 5 times, current rating is 2.99. 
Rated 2 times, current rating is 2. 
Rated 1 time, current rating is 4. 
Rated 1 time, current rating is 3. 
Rated 13 times, current rating is 3.67. 
Rated 3 times, current rating is 3.33. 
Rated 4 times, current rating is 3.99. 
Rated 29 times, current rating is 4.51. 
Rated 5 times, current rating is 4.2. ![Comment from Scarlino: Ranger? It's a Israeli soldier.
Comment from Da_man: no its a ranger. i found it on the rangers website (!) see [url]http://www.ranger.org/photos_2003.html[/url]
Comment from Anonymous: It does look more like an Isreali soldier than an American one. The website says all pics were sent to him by email. Could be a mistake.
Comment from scm77: That is definately an Israeli soldier. When was the last time you saw a Ranger with kit like that? isn't that one of those clown hats attached to his helmet?
Clearly Israeli.
Comment from Kim Shergold: I love it great photo . Go Canada
Hi my name is Kim Shergold I live in Corbeil Ont. Canada. I decided awhile back that I wanted to do something for our Veterans, to show them that the Canadian Public and people across the world will never forget what they did to give us the freedom we enjoy today.
From that came the idea of asking the public to send me their THANK YOU LETTERS to our Veterans, to be compiled into a book of war sketches, poems for our Veterans , photo's and information of a Veteran you personally know. Personal stories from our Veterans and their families, also war bride stories.
I feel with the above combination it can only bring a better understanding for our Veterans to know we will never forget them, and for us through their stories to understand why we can never forget the sacrifices they made for us.
There are people who are rarely mentioned such as bandsman that brought some happiness even if for a short while. Nurses, Doctors, Medics, Journalist etc. I could go on for ever.
I hope with this book it may bring old friends together again, and help children(now adults) looking for information on Fathers they maybe never had the chance to get to know because they gave the ultimate sacrifice-their life.
For those who agree to help us on this journey I ask that you also send a letter giving us permission to use your article in our book.
Please pass this onto your family,friends and schools, local newspapers.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank You.
Yours Truly
Kim Shergold
One Proud Canadian
e-mail moon_baby2@hotmail.com
Kim Shergold
Hwy. 17 East R.R.2
Corbeil Ont. Canada
First I would like to personally send you a HUGE THANK YOU for the freedom I enjoy today. I shudder to think what Canada would be like if it were not for our Veterans.
I know we can never repay you for the sacrifices you have made for us and are still doing till this day. Words can never really say how I feel in my heart about our Veterans.
On November 11th the tears of love and sorrow fall from Heaven above for those who have given their life and for those who still go through their own private hell.I can only hope as the years pass your pain lessens.
Next time you feel a raindrop touch your cheek, remember it is someone saying Thank You for the sacrifices you made for complete strangers.As you know their will always be rain and with each sparkling tiny drop that hit's the earth brings beauty & love for our Veterans. Raindrops will never stop neither will the remembrance for our Veterans. You are etched in our hearts forever.
By: Kim Shergold
Proud to be a Canadian](../../img/thmb_album_rate.png)
Rated 2 times, current rating is 4. 
Not Rated 
Rated 2 times, current rating is 4.5. 
Rated 17 times, current rating is 4.2. 
Not Rated 
Rated 7 times, current rating is 2.7. 
Rated 6 times, current rating is 4.49. 
Rated 5 times, current rating is 4.79. 
Rated 15 times, current rating is 4.49. 
Rated 1 time, current rating is 3. 
Not Rated 
Rated 4 times, current rating is 4.75. 
Rated 10 times, current rating is 3.38. 
Rated 1 time, current rating is 5. 
Rated 18 times, current rating is 4.67. 
Rated 3 times, current rating is 3.66. 
Rated 8 times, current rating is 4.48. 
Not Rated 
Rated 9 times, current rating is 3.21. 