General first came online in December of 1993, under the name of The Canadian Army Home Page. At the time, it was one of Canada's first military sites on the Internet (quite likely the first). Since that time, the page has grown considerably, and is always in some stage of development. Much of the information has come from visitors to the page, who have graciously taken the time to contribute information, making a much better site.
Call for Help
With that thought in mind, I would gladly accept additional information for the page, as several areas are quite sparse. If you think you have information that would be of interest to visitors of this page, please contact me. I'd love to hear from you.
If you notice an area of the page that is not as complete as you would like, please take the time to help out. Too often I have people tell me "What about XXXX, you've got almost no information on it!" but when I ask for their help, they don't seem to think it's that important.
Please, if you have any information that you think would be useful to the visitors of this page, pass it on.
Rules of Submission:
Despite these rules, I'm actually pretty flexible. Your best bet is to contact me and we can figure out the best way to proceed.
Your contribution will be appreciated by many!